Using a bag that is the right size for its contents creates an attractive presentation and provides better protection for your item. It can also reduce the amount of packing materials used and save you money on shipping costs. Our extensive selection of quality bags provides an amazing range of options, so you are certain to find a bag that fulfills all your requirements.
Which bag is right for your needs ? Whether you are looking for a sturdy corrugated cardboard bag for shipping purposes or a brightly colored gift bag that will bring a smile to the face of its recipient, our helpful bag size search tool makes it easy to select the perfect bag, allowing you to order your supplies with confidence.
Begin by measuring the item you intend to bag at it longest, widest and tallest points to determine the dimensions that you will need.If you are placing more than one item in the bag, arrange them in the manner that you expect to bag them, and then measure the grouping.All measurements should be in inches.
Once you have your measurements, simply input them into our bag size search tool.When you hit the search button, you will be promptly provided with a chart that lists the various bages we carry that best suit your specifications.In a single glance, you can see and compare the size, test strength, order quantity, cost and availability of each bag, making it easy to pick your best option.